I have some unfortunate news. Due the corona virus outbreak in the US, The Great Philadelphia Comic Con! which I was supposed to attend this weekend has been moved to the beginning of September.

Additionally, the 3 Rivers Comicon which was to be held May 30-31, has been cancelled for this year.

As such, the first convention I will be attending this year will be the Morristown Garden State Comic Fest held at the end of June.

In light of this news, and as the length of our quarantine threatens to exceed the prescribed 40 days and 40 nights of antiquity,  I have three recommendations for my readers.

  1. Now is the perfect time to reread the comics on this site from beginning to end. You’re running out of shows to watch anyway.
  2. Why not purchase a copy of Uncountable! The Unnumbered Collection? I promise to wear gloves when I package and ship it.
  3. Stay in touch with the people you care about. Make sure your friends and family are taking care of themselves and keeping informed. If you haven’t checked in on someone in a while, the current crisis is both an opportunity and an excuse. And, of course, if you feel the need to share my website by text, email, or social media, I won’t complain.

God bless and keep you, in these trying times.