I went hiking the other day, just for an hour or so. I worried before I went that it would be too hot, so I dressed fairly lightly. Big mistake. A few days have gone by, and I’m still riddled with mosquito bites. It was worth it though. My next hike will be a longer one, and I’ll be sure to wear long sleeves and buy a bottle of insect repellent.

So why am I bringing this up? Well sitting here, working on comics, and scratching the bug bites on my hands(!) I can’t help but think that the summer is not the best time for this business. Sure, we all love to read on the beach, or under a shady tree, but sitting inside at the computer or at my drafting table isn’t a great use of this great season. I’d like to be outside as much as possible, bugs and sunburn and all.

On that note, please continue to read this webcomic and others. (I’ll be continuing to update all summer long.) Visit before sunrise or after sunset, if possible. If you have a copy of my book, read it outside. Don’t worry about damaging it. Books are meant to be read.